Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 119 - Bricks Day 15

The bricklayers have left the building!! Happy dance!!!

A great sight when I pulled up to the block yesterday afternoon to find that the bricklayers cement mixer and associated paraphernalia had gone.

They finished off the alfresco columns

They have not finished the window sills at the front of the house, but my trusty SS tells me that they will be back after the scaffolding comes down so that they are not damaged.

They also did not finish off the columns.  They still need to put the header course on. Apparently they need to cut the bricks with a brick saw, and seeing they dont have electricity on site, they have taken them off site and will come back tomorrow to put them on.

Roofers also finished the top roof.  Roof rail was removed today.   Gutter guard was supposed to be installed today but that has not happened.

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