29/03/12 - $3,000 deposit paid to McDonald Jones on acceptance of tender
11/07/12 - Block of land settled.
17/04/12 - S. 96 application lodged with Port Stephens Council to move building envelope
26/04/12 - Colour walkthrough McDonald Jones
02/05/12 - Verbal approval from PS Council for S.96 application
16/05/12 - S.96 application rejected.
19/05/12 - First visit to Rawson Homes
21/05/12 - Advised McDonald Jones couldn't proceed due to Council rejecting S.96
24/05/12 - Meeting with Paul (sales) Rawson Homes
26/05/12 - Deposit $750.00 paid to Rawson Homes for tender - Fernside 38 with changes
13/06/12 - Tender presentation
14/06/12 - Revised tender
14/06/12 - Formally advised PS Council to withdraw application
17/06/12 - Paid $3,000 to Rawson for acceptance of tender.
120 Day pre-build timeline starts
Day 3 - 20/06/12 meeting with earth moving company for quote to remove trees
Day 4 - 21/06/12 - received phone call from CSO. Colour pack sent
Fay 8 - 25/06/12 Colour pack received
Day 24 - 11/07/12 - Check plans received - 27 changes needed
Day 30 - 17/07/12 - Plans returned to Rawson with changes
Day 43 - 30/07/12 - External colours sent to Rawson
Day 54 - 10/08/12 - Revised check plans received.
Day 68 - 24/08/12 - Collected DA package from Rawson and lodged with PS Council myself
Day 80 - 05/09/12 - Internal colour appointment
Day 87 - 12/09/12 - Internal selection prices received
Day 88 - 13/09/12 - Internal variations signed off and sent back
Day 94 - 19/09/12 - Contract received
Day 95 - 20/09/12 - Contract signed and sent back to Rawson
Day 99 - 24/09/12 - PS Council ask for additional information on plans
Day 102 - 27/09/12 - HOW certificate received
Day 103 - 28/09/12 - Amended plans and HOW lodged with PS Council
Day 103 - 28/09/12 - Construction loan unconditionally approved
Day 108 - 03/10/12 - DA Approved and CC issued at the same time.
Day 114 - 08/10/12 - Electrical appointment finally booked for 23/10/12
Day 121 - 15/10/12 - Trees cleared and basic cut done on the block
Day 129 - 23/10/12 - Electrical appointment
Day 131 - 25/10/12 - Electrical plans and quote received
Day 136 - 30/10/12 - Electrical plans signed and sent back
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